dimarts, 10 de maig del 2011


2.Translate the following chunks into your language. Use the on-line dictionary

wait a minute: espera un minut
let's go: anirem
get away: escapar
I gotta go: he de marxar
I'm late: arribo tard
the night is still young: la nit és jove
it's showtime: comença l'espectacle
go away: desapareix
make the world a better place: fer del món un lloc millor
see you tonight: veure aquesta nit
I'm not happy: no estic content
this time I got him: aquesta vegada ho tinc
you see: veus
he moves: es mou
wait wait: espera espera
come on we're late: anem que estem a finals
shut up: callar
that's it: que és
stay right on my tail: queda't a la meva cua
I'm just getting a drink: estic rebent una copa
that's way to close: que és forma a tancar
stay loose: romandre solts
knock down a building: enderrocar un edifici
good night: bona nit
sit down: seure
get over here now: vine aquí ara
for old time's sake: dels vells temps
take care of yourself: tenir cura de si mateix
I don't know: no sé
something amazing: alguna cosa sorprenent
dinner's ready: el sopar està a punt
one minute: un minut
it's raining: està plovent
I'm in: estic en
I'll be back: torno

dilluns, 9 de maig del 2011


The Incredibles.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Who is Incrediboy?
He is a Syndrome
2. What is Mr. Incredible's real name?
He is  real name is Bob
3. Who is his wife?
His a wife a Elastigirl
4. What ability has he got?
His ability is a elastic
5. What superpowers has Jack Jack got?
The superpowers of the Jack Jack is to be a fire demon and become6. Does Violet like Tony?
 yes, i do

dijous, 5 de maig del 2011


PASCAL SAUVAGE: He is a senior, has brown eyes, does not have much hair, and is the villain of the movie. He is real name is: JOHN MALKOVICH.


BOUGH: He is a man, has brown hair, her ayes are green, is the assistant of Mister Bean. He also is a super secret agent. His real name is: BEN MILLER! 


LORNA CAMPBELL: She is a girl, brown is hair, blue eyes, is thin, very pretty. She is a super agent, is real name is: Natalie imbreglia

Mister Bean!

MISTER BEAN: He is a man, has short black hair, brown eyes and eyebrows are very thick and long. He is a super secret agent.