dimarts, 10 de maig del 2011


2.Translate the following chunks into your language. Use the on-line dictionary

wait a minute: espera un minut
let's go: anirem
get away: escapar
I gotta go: he de marxar
I'm late: arribo tard
the night is still young: la nit és jove
it's showtime: comença l'espectacle
go away: desapareix
make the world a better place: fer del món un lloc millor
see you tonight: veure aquesta nit
I'm not happy: no estic content
this time I got him: aquesta vegada ho tinc
you see: veus
he moves: es mou
wait wait: espera espera
come on we're late: anem que estem a finals
shut up: callar
that's it: que és
stay right on my tail: queda't a la meva cua
I'm just getting a drink: estic rebent una copa
that's way to close: que és forma a tancar
stay loose: romandre solts
knock down a building: enderrocar un edifici
good night: bona nit
sit down: seure
get over here now: vine aquí ara
for old time's sake: dels vells temps
take care of yourself: tenir cura de si mateix
I don't know: no sé
something amazing: alguna cosa sorprenent
dinner's ready: el sopar està a punt
one minute: un minut
it's raining: està plovent
I'm in: estic en
I'll be back: torno

dilluns, 9 de maig del 2011


The Incredibles.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Who is Incrediboy?
He is a Syndrome
2. What is Mr. Incredible's real name?
He is  real name is Bob
3. Who is his wife?
His a wife a Elastigirl
4. What ability has he got?
His ability is a elastic
5. What superpowers has Jack Jack got?
The superpowers of the Jack Jack is to be a fire demon and become6. Does Violet like Tony?
 yes, i do

dijous, 5 de maig del 2011


PASCAL SAUVAGE: He is a senior, has brown eyes, does not have much hair, and is the villain of the movie. He is real name is: JOHN MALKOVICH.


BOUGH: He is a man, has brown hair, her ayes are green, is the assistant of Mister Bean. He also is a super secret agent. His real name is: BEN MILLER! 


LORNA CAMPBELL: She is a girl, brown is hair, blue eyes, is thin, very pretty. She is a super agent, is real name is: Natalie imbreglia

Mister Bean!

MISTER BEAN: He is a man, has short black hair, brown eyes and eyebrows are very thick and long. He is a super secret agent.

dimecres, 27 d’abril del 2011

The Incredibles!



SYNDROME: Has red hair, blue eyes and is the villain of the movie.Small was the biggest fan of Mr. Incredible but years passed andthe Canvi and did wrong and wants to kill the entire family of Mr.Incredible.


VIOLET: Has long black hair, dark blue eyes, is a superhero, his poweris to make protection fields so no one can do harm, and is the eldest daughter of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl.


KARRY: She is caring for the baby jack jack, he's blonde, she blue eyes and goes to school.


ELASTIGIRL: Brown hair, brown eyes, is a superhero, his power is theelasticity. She has three children.

Jack Jack

JACK JACK: Is a baby, has a bit of blond hair, has blue eyes, is. super hero, his power is fire and become a monster, is the son of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl


 DASH: Has blue eyes, long blond hair, is a super hero even go to school and do everything like normal. His super power is speed, can go as fast as you do and is the son of Elastigirl AND Mr. Incredible!


FROZONE: Is bald, has black eyes. He wears a blue suit with white, isa super hero, his power is, the thread can freeze anything you want!.It is very good and nice.

Mr. Incredible!

MR. INCREDIBLE: It is very strong, is a super hero. He is blond, brown eyes, her dress is red with black and yellow, but then make a new suit that is blue with black. Work in a company that helps people.

dimecres, 2 de febrer del 2011

written in the stars


La  Bella y la Bestia

Love the way you lie!

Enrique Iglesias

Hero I LOVE IT!!(:

Mariah Carey!!!

Touch My Body!


Baby, Justin Bieber


Her name is JESS

She is a girl.
She plays football.
She plays in a football club
She has got dark brown hair.
She has got brown eyes.
She's very beautiful.
She's Indian.
She love Joe.
She's Jules friend.
She is the protagonist of the film.

The actress is PARMINDER NAGRA.


It's a boy.
He is handsome.
His love is Jess
He has blue eyes
It is one of the protagonists of the film.

The actor is Jonathan Rhys-Meyers



Her name is Jules.
She is a girl.
She plays football.
She plays also in a football girl club.
She's hair is blond.
She has brown eyes.
She's British.
She love Joe.
She's Jess friend.
She's the oder protagonist of the film.
She is very beautiful.

The actress is KEYRA KNIGHLTY


Her name is Pinky.

She is a girl.
She hates football.
She's Jess's sister.
She make a wedding.
She likes clothes, shoes,...
She love an Indian man.
She is Indian.
She hate Jules.
She's hair is black.
She's eyes are brown.

The actress is ARCHIE PANJAB

David Beckham!!


Her name is David Beckham.
He's a boy.
He was an football player.
He is married with Victoria Beckham.
He has 3 sons.
He's hair is blond.
He's British.


Shrek!! :)

swamp- pantà
boy- nen
toy- joc
next- següent
well- així...
fellow- companys
chatterbox- xerraire
talk- parlar
army- exèrcit
alone- sol
under arrest- castigat
outside- a fora
cheese- formatge
onions- ceba
cake- pastís
muffin- magdalena
house- casa
tabel- taula
bed- llit
anyone- ningú
champion- campió
quest- pregunta
layers- capes
donkey- mono
teeth- dents
wall- paret
land- païs
blood- sang
witch- bruixa